
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair

Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair

Published on 22 Jun, 23

Young adult patient came to us with complex elbow dislocation with lateral varus opening of elbow joint following an accident. His xray showed elbow dislocation with lateral instability. He thus planned for elbow stabilization with ligament repair after MRI and ct scanning which also showed lateral ligament tear of elbow joint. He underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair. Postoperative xray showed well reduced and stable elbow joint. These complex cases required meticulous planning and surgical skills for better results.

Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair
Underwent open elbow reduction and ligament repair