
Pelvi – Acetabular Surgery

Pelvi-Acetabular Surgery – Best Method to Get Relief from Pain and Enjoy Your Rest of Life

Pelvic and acetabular surgical procedure is one of the main injuries that generally occurred due to a traumatic disease. When you undergo a vehicle accident or fall from a height, it can cause severe fractures in your different body parts. The pelvic and acetabular both are the most important body parts of our body and are adjacent to anatomic formations.

If any injury happens to this area, this can cause severe health problems. Surgery is one of the best solutions to treat pelvic and acetabular surgery. Dr. Nikhil Verma is a leading Pelvi-acetabular surgery doctor in Delhi that has treated hundreds of individuals with a 100% successful surgery rate.

This problem can also occur in aged people with breakable bones. Pelvic and acetabular structures are the main foundation of the bones. But when they are injured due to any causes, it can become a long-term problem. Based on the nature and types of accidents, it can impact any location of the bones.

A pelvic or acetabular surgical procedure is generally happened due to high-energy force that is generated during a:

  • Car or motorcycle collision
  • Crush collision
  • Fall from a significant height.
  • Pedestrians hit by a motor automobile.

Based on the direction and magnitude of the collision, pelvic or acetabular damage can be life-threatening. So, you should immediately consult an orthopaedic doctor to take surgical treatment for your problem. Weak or insufficient bone is also one of the most potential causes of pelvic/acetabular fracture. These problems are generally stable and will not cause any damage to the structural integrity of the pelvic ring. But pelvic problems can cause destruction to an individual bone.

If you have an unstable pelvic or acetabular fracture, you should take surgical treatment. These surgeries can be complex, so always ensure to consult the best pelvic or acetabular fracture surgeons in Delhi. But before performing a surgery, a professional advises some important things, like:

Doctor Examination

Patients with pelvic or acetabular fractures are generally brought to an urgent care centre for initial therapy. While the symptoms are severe, they need immediate care.

If the problem is due to high-energy trauma, people can have injuries or damage to the head, chest, stomach, or legs.

Physical Treatment

Before any surgery, a physical examination is very important. It helps to know the actual condition and severity of your problem. When you go to take treatment for a pelvic or acetabular fracture, the specialist does a thorough examination of the hips, pelvis, and legs. They also check to see if you can move your ankle and toes or not. Sometimes, the nerve may also be injured which means the acetabulum is fractured. They also do a further examination of the rest of your body to find out about your injuries.

Imaging Tests

Your doctor also performs X-rays to offer images of fractured structures. They take X-rays of acetabular structures from different angles. It will help them in knowing the pattern of the fractures and the bone conditions.

CT Scans (Computed tomography) are also performed for acetabular fractures. This is generally performed because of the complex anatomy of the pelvic. This test helps the doctor to get detailed, cross-sectional images of your joint. It can be very beneficial in pre-operative planning.

After successful Pelvi-acetabular surgery, you can get a lot of benefits. A person undergoes pelvic-acetabular surgery for

  • Restoring the normal shape of the pelvic and acetabulum
  • Minimizing post-traumatic arthritis
  • Decreasing pain as well as improving mobility
  • Avoiding tola hip replacement

Your doctor generally recommends the treatment based on various factors including age, type of fracture, pelvic stability, and the condition of bone displacement. One of the most important steps of the surgical procedure is lining up cartilage and bone. It can help your joint from rubbing together otherwise problems, such as loss of motion, decreased function, severe joint arthritis, and more. The main reason for undergoing surgery is to alleviate the hip joint, eliminate bone debris from the hip joint, support the tendon surface, and more.

Surgery is performed for putting pelvic and acetabular bones back with the help of an internal device. After the surgery, you can take physical therapy to get back to your normal life as soon as possible.

Facing Trouble with Pelvi-Acetabular Fracture? Contact Dr. Nikhil Verma!

Why are you facing difficulty due to pelvis or acetabular fracture? When a professional pelvic or acetabular surgeon, like Dr. Nikhil Verma, is around you. He is one of the best pelvic/acetabular fracture surgeons in Delhi that helps people to come back to their life performing successful pelvic or acetabular surgery.

As a leading orthopedic surgeon, he has treated 100+ people and improved their quality of life. He is also dedicated to joint replacement, arthroscopic, and pelvic-acetabular complex trauma surgeries. If you are facing problems in the pelvic/acetabular bone, consult us. We are always available for you and help you to make your life easy and enjoy every moment.

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